I'm not going to pretend that James and I are super parents, but i'll admit that we are pretty good ones! Maybe we are just naturals, OR (and i think it's this one) maybe we just lucked out and got an easy going kiddos that just makes us look good. Either way, i'm not complaining.
BUT i will admit there is one area that James and I are lacking in: nursery rhymes.
We have no idea the words to most nursery rhymes and kid songs. I sing "You are my sunshine" because i best know the words to that -- but it was until recently that i realized i was singing it in the wrong tune.
I mostly sing Top 40 to River -- edited versions of course. And James sings what ever pops into his head. The other day he was singing him the theme song to "Two and a Half Men." and yes, that song only has two words.
So i admit that we struggle in this area, but i didn't realize until this morning that James' struggle was much worse than mine until he asked me this:
"What did the first little piggy do again?"
Apparently James forgot that the first piggy went to the market! He's been telling River that the piggy went to the mall or to town -- depending on the day.
ReRe: How do you not know the words to "This little piggy?!"
James: Flog me, pull me out in the streets and flog me and tell the world that i don't know the words to "This little piggy."
Well, i'm telling the world -- the flogging will come later.