I've told you guys how Riv attracts the crazies at Wal-Mart (remember crazy tomato lady?). Apparently this is not just a fluke, he really does get mommy into the craziest conversation.
The most recent event occurred last Friday. I was looking through the giant $5 DVD bin. Riv was in the basket, but close enough to grab DVD and throw them in our cart. He was having a blast and of course as adorable as can be. An older gentlemen -- old enough that he a Korean War Vet hat on --came up and started looking through the bin. He told me how cute Riv was, and then this conversation took place:
Vet: (pointing at Riv) I wish i had about 5 or 6 of them living with me.
ReRe: I just smiled and nodded (trying not to be a little freaked by his comment -- my job makes me leery of dudes who want 5 or 6 boys living with them).
Vet: I live alone and would love 5 or 6 of him at my house. I love kids.
ReRe: Little ones are lots of fun (oh great! now anyone listening to our convo thinks we are both creepo deepos)
Vet: My great-grandkids are my life. They are who i live for.
ReRe (feeling less freaked): That's sweet. Parenthood is amazing, but i hear being a grandparent is more so.
Vet: I love kids. and let me tell you, if i was in here and saw someone hitting or even yelling at someone his age or even older I would beat the Sh!t out of them. I would beat their faces in.
ReRe (freaked out again. I mean, i totally get what he's saying, and feel the same way, but wow, where did this convo just turn): Yeah....it's sad when folks mistreat children.
Vet: I'd beat the tar out of them. Beat their faces in. I'm 80, but i can take a 20 year-old. I did combat training in the war. I can take a 20 year-old like it's nothing.
ReRe: Awesome....have a good day!
I think hurried away to another section, only to have to return back to the DVD bin to put back the 15 copies of Weekend at Bernie's that Riv had put in our cart. Yes, Vet was still there. No, i didn't stop and talk.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Potluck Friday

Happy Potluck Friday!
- Remember back in the day when you could count on a Potluck Friday EVERY Friday?! Well, if you miss those days and want to submit a complaint, the dude you need to gripe to is about 23 pounds, 33 inches and answers to the names : River, River Monster, Monster, Rivvy Riv, Sweet Face, Baby Boy, Fat Boy, Chunk Face and No!
- Spandex looks good on no one. We can all agree on that. But i especially hate it on men. Ok, maybe you can pull off spandex biker shorts if you are um...riding a bike. But not if you are at the Y. And no, riding the stationary bike does not count. And you should be ashamed that you actually have words on the back of those shorts. I don't care if it says DuPont, it's still wrong. And using your sweaty towel to wipe down the machine is gross!
- Speaking of my gym experiences, this morning in Zumba we danced to a Spanish song that had the beats to "Informer" by Snow! I don't know if it was a remake...because i don't speak Spanish, but i definitely recognized the beats.
- This is my last Friday of my 20s. I'm going to party very differently than i'm sure i did on my first Friday in my 20s. Tonight i'm looking forward to grocery shopping, and maybe playing some checkers with my boys. Am i turning 30 next week or 75?!
- What's ReRe jamming? Well, this is a historic moment here on this lil ol blog, because the song i'm jamming is....A COUNTRY SONG! Thanks to my office mate, i just can't get enough of "Fish" by Craig Campbell!
counrtry music,
potluck friday,
working out,
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