Happy Potluck Friday!!!
- When i returned from the gym this morning i found James and River washing dog #2. I was surprised why this would be going on at 7 a.m. Well, apparently in what James describes as "sleep nagging" i tore him a new one last night about only washing one dog, so he set his alarm to get him and wash the other dog. At first i felt bad, but then it hit me: He doesn't listen to me when i'm "nagging" him when i'm awake, so why the heck would he listen to my sleep nagging?! I feel no guilt Mr. James! No guilt! Ladies, clearly sleep nagging is the way to get stuff done!
- Am i the only one who finds it odd and ironic that JC Penney is have a sheets sale in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day? Seriously JCP?! Don't stop there, go ahead and offer deeper discounts on white sheets!
- Today is a sad day for me. I will be spending my lunch break watching the last episode of One Life to Live. Those who know me well, know how seriously sad I am. I'm mad at ABC
:( they should know by the tragedy that is the "The Chew" that canceling my stories to replace them with even worse shows is not a good idea. But what do i know? I'm just a chick who's been watching OLTL (that's what the cool kids call it) since the womb. I guess i can retire my VCR since i will have no need to tape anything again. - According to a commercial i saw the other day Golden Corral has a chocolate fountain. So now buffet eaters can dip bananas, strawberries and dried out chicken in chocolate! I think this is a terrible idea and screams health scare. I mean, once i saw a kid groping the peaches at Golden Corral. This kid was elbow deep in the peach bowl just squeezing them. I went and found a worker and told her. She glanced over and of course the kid was gone and she said "I don't see anyone." Oh yeah lady, i forgot: if you don't see a kid groping the peaches, it didn't happen. Reason #4,593 buffets are icky.
- What's ReRe jamming this week? Adele, duh! Who's NOT jamming some Adele. Big Girls Represent. The song "Someone Like You" gives me chill. This girl can SANG!
I absolutely love Adele...she has the best voice out there right now
My mom and I were so mad when they took "All My Children" off the air. "The Chew" is so stupid.
I feel your pain
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