It's no secret that men and women are different. We interpret lots of things differently and apparently house hold chores are no exceptions.
To me, doing the dishes consists of: unloading and loading the dishwasher. and making sure the counters are clear of junk. and take out the trash if needed.
To James, doing the dishes: is...doing the dishes. food can be crusted to the stove, counters and anywhere else. but that does not matter. clearing crust off surfaces and taking out the trash is "cleaning the kitchen" and therefore falls outside the scope of "doing the dishes."
To me, washing the dogs consists of: washing the DOGS. both dogs.
To James, washing the dogs consists of: washing the dog that smells the most doggy and letting the other one stank for another week or so.
To me, taking out the trash means you put a new trash bag in the can.
To James, taking out the trash means you take out the trash and then put other trash on the counter because there no liner in the can now.
I know i'm not the only loving wife who has a list like this. So i though i'd be kind and just give some advice to the men out there:
- Cleaning the bathroom is more than wiping down the counter and mirror. The toilet and bathtub are actually the main components that need to be cleaned.
- Dirty dishes should be stacked IN the sink, not ON the sink.
- Dirty dishes are best rinsed and stacked in the dishwasher. When it's full, you can just start! (It makes no sense to load a dishwasher if you aren't gonna start it).
- It's easier to find clothes and undies when they are in your closet or drawer than when they are in 5 different laundry baskets -- so don't be afraid to fold some clothes!
- If you smell something funny when you walk in the house, you find the smell. You DON'T lay on the couch until it magically disappears. (and it does not disappear, you just get used to it).
i forgot... are you talking about YOUR husband or MINE????
No lie, my husband once mowed only areas of the back yard that were visible from the windows.
I was grateful, book club was coming over.
I am going to need to print this out for Big Man because he has the same problems.
So funny and yet so true!
To James, taking out the trash means you take out the trash and then put other trash on the counter because there no liner in the can now.
OMG David does this ALL the time. Drives me NUTS!!!!
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