Happy Friday!!!
- It's Teeeee-Shirrrrt Time! I earned my March Madness t-shirt from the YMCA this morning! Every March the Y does March Madness and if you get a punch for every day you work out. If you collect enough punches for the month you get a free t-shirt! This is my third shirt i've earned! Heck yeah! I worked hard for this shirt. I had 5 punches to get this week and i went to the gym every freaking day so i could earn my shirt by the end of the week! I've been sweating it out like Chris Brown in the GMA dressing room!
- Does it smell like IHop in here or is it just me? Yeah, it's me. I love my son so much that i'm walking around smelling like maple syrup just so he can get his grub on. Apparently a side effect of fenugreek, an herb that helps increase breastmilk production, is that mamas smell like maple syrup. I've heard this could happen, but underestimated it. BAD IDEA. I literally smell like a grand slam breakfast. It's oozing from my pores! Thank goodness i don't smell like breakfast sausage - considering James is a vegetarian!
- James and i recently rented The Other Guys. It was a turd. This is hard for me to say because i love me some Marky Mark. But Mark should stick with drama because comedy (unless he's doing is shirtless a la Date Night) just doesn't work. And well, Will Farrell is, umm..let's just say that Elf was good, but it's not 2003 anymore.
- What's ReRe jamming this week? "Coming Home" by P Diddy ft. Skylar Grey (yes, P DIDDY just made my blog! Is that still his name? I used to be a fan (When he was Sean Puffy Combs), and then wasn't, and maybe i am again. who knows. But i loves this song!